Strategic Resource Providers (SRPs) are people and organizations who have a specific calling and Kingdom assignment. They are deployed by Community Action Council leaders to assist in applying biblically-based solutions to the issues impacting their communities.
Local and national SRPs collaborate with each other within a functional, autonomous, impact-driven Coalition of SRPs.
Each Coalition has a designated servant leader or leaders who liaise between the Rebuilders team and members of the Coalition. They draw upon the strength of the network to continually add new SRPs to local Kingdom initiative as they grow and mature.
The result is an empowered, sustainable local governing body dedicated to transformation that will maximize liberty and prosperity for all citizens in a community.
Rebuilders Network | Copyright 2024 © | All rights reserved
We focus on developing principle-based solutions with the following objectives in mind:
We are driven by a passion to help restore to all people the divine birthright of dignity and self-government while assisting the Church to return to her place as the centering point of personal and societal transformation.
For decades, Dennis Peacocke has brought groundbreaking worldview teachings to the body of Christ through his Twelve Master Principles for Building Lives, Organizations, and Nations.© They are:
These timeless principles inform how we solve problems in our nations and communities.
The body of Christ has a deep reservoir of non-profits, businesses, and NGOs that are experts in developing and deploying solutions to specific problems. Some operate at the national level, while others regionally and locally. The Rebuilders Network identifies these organizations and gathers specific information about their area of expertise and capacity to expand their reach.
Through Community Action Councils, leaders draw on this reservoir as needed to form coalitions of SRPs who collaborate, strategize, and share responsibilities to meet specific needs in their community.
All transformative work ultimately is expressed through local churches. A top priority of the Rebuilders Network is to ensure that church leadership in a community is aware of and participating in the initiatives of their Community Action Council.
A GTN Allied Partner is a person or organization that has expertise in a specific area that will provide local leaders with teaching and consulting to help them achieve the community transformation they desire. Allied Partners are vetted by TN leadership as being in alignment with the GTNs overall vision and goals and are in “good standing” ethically and relationally.
In communities where there is an identified desire to develop ekklesia leadership, either in general, or to address a specific issue, the GTN CAC Team may be called upon to assist local leaders with any of the following:
#1. Provide the community leaders with a “toolkit” that will empower them to “stand up” and coordinate issue specific Action Councils within their community.
#2. Conduct a survey where leaders can assess a community’s needs and local assets (both people and things) that will help them meet their goals. a Identifv areas where needs exist that have not been previously identified by the community leaders.
#3. Conduct a “gap analysis” and identify where Allied Partners may provide expertise, training, or consulting to achieve their desired outcomes.
We believe in the reality of “transcendence,” that is, that some principles are more foundational than others, and prioritized accordingly. We believe that holding truth with humility is a sign of virtue and common respect. We believe that wise leaders strategically align themselves with the truth, “first things first.” In terms of mankind’s social order, we believe that societies prosper most when they: